
Denver DUI Attorney Blog


Fido not welcome on porch of suspected drug house. Supreme Court says get a warrant.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that a police drug-sniffing dog could not be used without a warrant to search near a suspected drug dealer’s home. In Florida v. Jardines, the Supreme Court upheld a suppression ruling in a marijuana case where the police used a drug sniffing dog outside…


What is the benefit of a deferred sentence in a DUI case if you can’t seal it?

The Colorado Court of Appeals recently announced that you can’t seal a successfully completed deferred judgment and sentence for a DUI offense. In the Matter of the Petition of Paige Harte, the Court found that Ms. Harte successfully completed a deferred judgment for her alcohol-related driving offense, but was not…


Should “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” be changed to “Drunk Driving. Under the Limit…still Under Arrest”!?

The National Highway Transportation Administration (NHTSA) sponsors various national campaigns throughout the year to promote safety on the roadways. One of the campaigns indicates that if you are driving “over the limit”, that you will be placed “under arrest”. The message is seemingly simple and clear. And in many cases…

Posted in: DUI

How many points is too many? Knowing this answer might save your Colorado driver’s license from a points suspension.

In Colorado, if you get too many points on your driver’s license, the Colorado Department of Revenue will send you a letter and politely let you know that they are taking away your driver’s license (and quite possibly your livelihood if you heavily rely upon your license). If you get…


Driver Beware: If you’re pulled-over alongside the road in Colorado “sleeping it off”, you might be fair game for the cops.

The best decision that you can make if you are impaired (even to the slightest degree) or intoxicated is to never get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Period. Because alcohol impairs judgment, sometimes a person will start to drive and later realize that he/she is not safe to drive;…

Posted in: DUI

You can’t seal criminal conviction records in Colorado. Or can you?

As more and more people are heading back to work in the recovering economy, I find my office inundated with calls for help in sealing criminal records. Open records of an arrest, criminal court proceeding, police records, sheriff’s department records, and probation records can be devastating to an applicant seeking…

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